A designer with a love for Travel, Photography and Astronomy

Behind the Scenes

Growing up as kid, I always had a heart for creative activities such as drawing, designing graphics for my friends, and daydreaming about what could I do next. I loved exploring the process and discovering new ways to express myself. During my under graduation, I immersed myself in design and data science(I know, its two different paths), but I had to pick just one. I followed my heart and chose the design because it's what I enjoyed most. It turned out to be the best decision ever!

Beyond designing pixels, I enjoy…

🌌 Astronomy: I have a deep love and fascination for outer space, including the stars, planets, and everything in between. I'm always up for interesting conversations about space, and by the way, do you believe in aliens?

🌎 Exploring this beautiful world: I enjoy going on outdoor adventures like hiking and kayaking, where I can explore and capture the beauty of this incredible world.

📘 Book-hound: I'm always looking for good books to read, especially those related to design, travel, and life philosophy.

🎬 Comfort in good movies: I enjoy watching movies that inspire self-exploration, travel, and as well as some TED Talks.

This doesn't have to end yet, ya know!

Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello 😀

This doesn't have to end yet, ya know!

Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello 😀